New year resolutions

For many people the new year is a time to start taking seriously the realities of their health, figure, self-image, and ongoing happiness. After overindulging through the Christmas holidays, as many people do, it feels like a good time to start over, and we enthusiastically launch ourselves into the new year with determination, diet plans, and dreams of feeling and looking better than last year.

For a few days.

A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well

Or  maybe weeks. But how many of us can claim, at the end of the year, to have followed all our previous new year’s resolutions and achieved what we set out to do 365 days before? I’m guessing very few. We may have succeeded with some small or temporary improvements but rarely celebrate the successes we aspired to. So we start again, with every new year, ultimately getting increasingly disillusioned with our dreams, our bodies, and ourselves. And it doesn’t get easier with age!

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are many factors to weight management, addictions, and general health, and will-power may not be the most important one. Some of them could include:

Hormone health – insulin, reproductive, thyroid, etc.

Digestive health – the gut microbiome, intestinal permeability, allergies and food intolerances

Liver health – how well your liver copes with all the demands placed upon it, and what it might be lacking to function optimally

Emotional health –  needing comfort or temporary highs in the absence of love, feeling empty or deprived

Nutrition – a deficiency of good, healthy, nutritious food drives the body to find substitutes, and we can easily be malnourished and overweight at the same time

Exercise – do you find it easy or difficult to get enough of the right kinds of exercise that your body would most benefit from?

Mental health – depression, anxiety, stress, and tiredness can all affect how and what we eat and do

Economy – feeding a family healthy well-balanced meals can seem an expensive exercise on a small budget. There are many tips and tricks that can help with this.

And other possibilities…

Be ok with who you are even if you want to change

During your first Health Blossoms consultation we’ll begin to unravel some of these factors and set you on the path to transforming your health, not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of your life. There are herbs that can help with all of these possibilities, to correct, strengthen and support these systems, making it easier for you to align your health with your goals. It’s possible that all you’ve been lacking until now is the right information, guidance, and support. So you don’t need to keep beating yourself up for past “failures” or abandoned resolutions. You have what it takes to succeed, and I have the expertise to help you, bringing together all the threads that affect your health, and supporting you in your chosen path to blossoming.

Make an appointment now.

For many people the new year is a time to start taking seriously the realities of their health, figure, self-image, and ongoing happiness. After overindulging through the Christmas holidays, as many people do, it feels like a good time to start over, and we enthusiastically launch ourselves into the new year with determination, diet plans, and dreams of feeling and looking better than last year.

For a few days.

Or  maybe weeks. But how many of us can claim, at the end of the year, to have followed all our previous new year’s resolutions and achieved what we set out to do 365 days before? I’m guessing very few. We may have succeeded with some small or temporary improvements but rarely celebrate the successes we aspired to. So we start again, with every new year, ultimately getting increasingly disillusioned with our dreams, our bodies, and ourselves. And it doesn’t get easier with age!

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are many factors to weight management, addictions, and general health, and will-power may not be the most important one. Some of them could include:

Hormone health – insulin, reproductive, thyroid, etc.

Digestive health – the gut microbiome, intestinal permeability, allergies and food intolerances

Liver health – how well your liver copes with all the demands placed upon it, and what it might be lacking to function optimally

Emotional health –  needing comfort or temporary highs in the absence of love, feeling empty or deprived

Nutrition – a deficiency of good, healthy, nutritious food drives the body to find substitutes, and we can easily be malnourished and overweight at the same time

Exercise – do you find it easy or difficult to get enough of the right kinds of exercise that your body would most benefit from?

Mental health – depression, anxiety, stress, and tiredness can all affect how and what we eat and do

Economy – feeding a family healthy well-balanced meals can seem an expensive exercise on a small budget. There are many tips and tricks that can help with this.

And other possibilities…

During your first Health Blossoms consultation we’ll begin to unravel some of these factors and set you on the path to transforming your health, not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of your life. There are herbs that can help with all of these possibilities, to correct, strengthen and support these systems, making it easier for you to align your health with your goals. It’s possible that all you’ve been lacking until now is the right information, guidance, and support. So you don’t need to keep beating yourself up for past “failures” or abandoned resolutions. You have what it takes to succeed, and I have the expertise to help you, bringing together all the threads that affect your health, and supporting you in your chosen path to blossoming.

Make an appointment now.